viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

10 things I hate about you as the new sun also rises

Many of us have watched this 1999 movie in which the main roles are played by Heath Ledger and Julia Stiles. Well, let me tell you this movie was based on the novel writen by Hemingway called "The Sun Also Rises". In the movie you can clearly see the change of roles between the characters such as the masculinity of the female lead role and the heroe that comes to rescue her from her missery in the case of Ledger´s role. Appart from those characters there is one that really called my attention because it was clearly representing Robert Cohn. Jason Gordon Levitt´s characters embodies Cohn´s perception of love perfectly and tries to do anything to make money worth with his beloved one. At the same time there is an antagonist in the movie, Stiles´s sister in the movie represents purity and femeninity while Stiles represents rudeness and modernity. Sorry to tell you spoilers if you haven´t seen it yet, but at the end of the movie all the characters have a "happy ending" because it is a romantic comedyand everything needs to end up well. It is the traditonal happily ever after but that´s what most of the people want and avoid the tragedies of love as presented in the novel. Let´s be realistic, what would you prefer, a tragedy in which you know that any character would be happy or an almost perfect romance in which people live together forever and ever? I´m not trying to make up your minds, but lets be realistics, we like illusions and for tragedies and sad moments we already have real life, so at the end it doesn´t matter if we have the perfect utopia with the perfect love, we all know it´s just an imagery but we totally buy that lie because it makes us feel better with ourselves. 

1 comentario:

  1. it is true that we prefer to read books or watch movies with happy endings,
    it´s more pleasureable, real life is already too dark and painful to see that in a movie.

    And by the way I love this movie.
