domingo, 22 de junio de 2014

Postmodern Art: a new way of see reallity

Classmates, as we know everything change in life and ART is not the exception. That’s why though this post  I will be taking about postmodernism art and artists, who have develop this new way of communicating things.
To begin with, I have found this expectacular video, in which it is explained in detail postmodernism art.
We need to know that postmodernism art it is understood as way of opposition or distinction from the previous style, which was the modern art. Additionally, it is outstanding because of the wide range of variety of styles and even of materials, which are mixed with the old and the new things. A clear example of this is the artist Andy Warhol, who used several materials to create his pieces of art.

Although, now we already know what is postmodernism art. Do we know the themes in which is based on? Mainly, postmodernism artists are centered on the popular culture, globalization, consumer culture and the combination between higher and lower classes in society.

Moving on, every single artist execute in different ways his/ her piece of art, due to the fact that all of us see and perceive different the world. Having that in mind, I have found two artists who developed their masterpieces in quite attractive, impressive and fascinating ways. 

One of them is an American painter called Jean-Michael Basquiat , whose work called my attention merely because of his reasons of  why he decided to create his works . In his masterpieces he showed one issue that we have covered in class, which is racism. With the intention to show the world this polemic issue, he used to mix the traditional art with a recently style in from that  period, which was graffiti.

On the other side, Jenny Holzer is an American artist, who concerned more in the ideas, concepts and messages rather than the form or the aspect of the masterpiece.  What´s more incredible is that the place where she developed her pieces of works was on the street. For instance, she usually used important buildings, benches, advertising spaces and so on. The intention of this was to pushed the person, who is walking down the street, to stop and read the images with her messages, which usually are created with the objective that the person made a reflection of his/her life.

In a nutshell, these new artists have discovered new themes, thus new ways of representing it. As well as we have covered in the latest classes not only art changed but also literature. As an example we have Art Spiegelman's Maus or Daniel Clowes's Ghost World.  Furthermore, we can drew a comparison between the aforementioned artists, since both based their messages on controversial themes.  

and...                     Do you have a favorite postmodern artist? 

3 comentarios:

  1. I really enjoyed reading your post because I really like art but was not familiar with most of the artists you talked about, actually only recognized Warhol's Work. Nevetheless, I do have a favourite post modern artist. His name is Jackson Pollock. He was an abstract impressionist american painter who died in a car accident at the age of 44 in 1956. He was a very disturbed human being with a really volatile personality and also struggled with alcoholism. I believe you can see that in his work. here is a link where you can see some of his work:

  2. Caro I really liked your post, as a art fan myself I know how hard is to explain what is post-modern and what it is not or what are post-modernism features. I think this has to do mostly because we are still in a post-modernist society, thus what we may think er are rofht now, coudl change at any minute.
    Regarding your question, I have many favorite artist, one of the most recent ones I disovered is Eugenie Screse. She is a 25 year old artist that won an art reality tv called "The School of Saatchi" Her most known work is a tree trunk stuck into a fence ( you can search photos of it)
    If you visit her webiste you will also see that , just like "Mause" she is working with text mixed with images.

  3. I really like how postmodernist artist changed the whole vision of art by doing sometimes simple things, I think that I will pay more attention to this artists, I knew some of this but others were completely unknown for me. Art has always been a strong way of showing what we are and how we feel, and I think that nowadays it has evolved at this point in which that is more important than the technique itself.
