domingo, 8 de junio de 2014

So the white man disappeared... Now what?

"These lands were full of rich culture. 
The white man came. 
Took everything away. 
It's time to follow our own way."

For many years, post-colonial processes of independence have been full of pain, conflict and death. The search for a native and own culture has been horribly painful for third world population. 

Hence the retreat of the white colonizers from those conquered lands, an entire history of death, civil conflicts and violence have been part of almost the entire history of third world countries, especially African ones.  Just look at Rwandan example. For many years there has been a struggle between the most influential ethnic groups of that country: Hutu (mayority) and Tutsi (minor part of the population). Just because the Tutsi believed that the Hutu were favoured by the European colonizers because of minimal racial features, Tutsi leaders started a genocide when they reached power in 1994, starting a mass killing against their "ribals". More than 800.000 people were killed. In conclusion, these killings were based in superstition and prejudice only.

We all know that finding a possible solution for Africa's progress is almost impossible. In addition, lots of people think that's a land without oportunities of "salvation". But I just can't be satisfied with an answer like that: Countries like Rwanda, Nigeria and many others need progress, need a prosperous future with cooperation, but also with respect for one and other. Nevertheless, the answer is: HOW?. And NO, I'm not referring to help Third world countries with Starbucks or any other multinational campaign such as "Follow the frog" or something. Neither I'm referring to those individualistic statements of change such as: "I can change the world with little actions" or "I can make a revolution in my classroom" NO!, I'm referring to real propositions, suggestions to give a possible clue. 

While reflecting about this, and reading "Things Fall Apart", maybe the answer could be found inside a familiar territory. Perhaps the clues to find the correct path can be found by searching/returning to the concept of MOTHER. The mother that have cared about us, protect and give her life for us if necessary. That femenine part that every human being have, and must look at a certain period of time.

Maybe, If African population could stop looking, just for a while, at this masculine and violent face and let embrace by Mother Africa's love, then they could return to the origins of their own culture, which could give them a possible way to follow in order to achieve progress, cooperation and social stability without the intromission of any foreign influence. Just like Urugay's president, José Mujica told to the world a few years before about the importance of the concept of MOTHER in our lives.

Talking about identity, I got some questions for you to think:
1.- What makes you Chilean?
2.- Is there any way we could find a real identity? If so, where do we have to search?
3.- How can we face globalization without losing our own native features?

1 comentario:

  1. Well Edurado , I think is very esy for other people or for other countries to say " Africa need to to this in oder to solve their problems", but is very easy to pass judgment when seen from far. Maybe only Africans have the answer to solve Africa´s porblems. I´m not saying that international help in not required, but countries ( you know which ones) should not force solutions. People who live in Africa are the only ones who can undertand the probelms , thus they are the only ones who can create a solution. It is the same thing that happens here in Chile with education. The decisions taken to solve educational porbelms are been taking by eveyone but educators. In Africa all solutions are been proposed by everyone but Africans.
