viernes, 20 de junio de 2014

The Meaning of Life after War

It is important to state that any kind of material that is related to  the Holocaust is extremely hard to create since nobody could make fun or presupose on such a crucial and significant moment in history. Therefore, the graphic novel Maus by Art Spielgelman is considered by many as a masterpiece because it  re-tells not only the story of his father, but also the potential story of many others. He has been able to carefully speak about this butchery that natzis conducted.

As a consequence, after reading this novel, I began to think, what could be the meaning that a survivor could had given to their lives, after holocaust? After all, these people had survived to the biggest extermination of mankind. In fact, some of these people were by themselves after the war was over with nothing left. They had not only lost all their personal items, but also they had lost family and friends.

So, what could be the reason to go on with their lives after such event? Indeed, it is unmanageable that someone who has lost everything in life could continue, but I believe that natzis could have taken away their families, friends, houses and every possession, but nobody in the world would have never been able to take away the meaning that this experience of survival could give to what they went through. The reason why they are still alive is something that no natzi would have been able to remove from them.

That something is a particular sense of survival that noone would ever been able to take away. People are not only concerned about a survival, but also about what it meant to overcome the lose of everyone and everybody they loved. They were able to turn around their experience, and as an act of love they start over their lives to honor those who were not with them anymore. Therefore, dead is far away from being a symbol of forgiveness, but a great source of love by oneself.

4 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Talking about the holocaust is a highly controlversial issue since we are refering to atrocities that no one wants to remember. As you mentioned before, you were wondering about the meaning of a survivor in life. It is extremely difficult to think about the new life of survivors since they have lost everything. However I take the view that being alive is the representation of the triumph over rights violation. Survivors are a symbol of what it shouldn't be repeated in history. Their lives are a motivation to keep peace in the world and fight for the human rights of people and tackle rights violation. It would not be a meaningless existence.

  3. As you mention, I believe that it is very hard for a holocaust survivors find a meaning to their lives after what they had to live. However, I believe that although they can not see it, one of the reasons is to tell future generation what they live. It would be very hard to know what happen if nobody had survived. Histroy books usually cover those issues trying to be as neutral as possible, but in this particular issue it is very hard to be neutral.
    I believe that people who survived the holocaust are the people extremely strong not because they survive the holocaust, but because they have to deal with memories and experiences that they lived, and most of those memories are not pleasant.

  4. In my opinion every person lives an holocaust in their lives (a disease, a beloved one's death, an accident, among other terrible things) and after this is when people start appreciating question is Why? Why do we have to wait for an holocaust to be a better person o to be an example for others?
    We could start thinking about the reasons of being alive and use this to make a better world because yolo...or not?
